Commercial office towers, mixed-use podiums, multi-level atria and open communication stairs, refurbishment and upgrades, office fit outs
Hangars and headquarters buildings, Naval ship and submarine construction facilities, Explosive Ordinance facilities, Live-In Accommodation (LIA)
University and other tertiary education buildings, secondary and primary school buildings, childcare centres, gymnasiums and sports facilities
New tertiary training hospitals, regional hospitals, alterations and additions to existing healthcare facilities, mental health units, allied health facilities

Inner-city high rise hotels, serviced apartments, luxury resorts and boutique accommodation
Warehouses and factories, distribution centres, temperature-controlled environments, meat processing facilities, high bay storage

Courts, detention facilities, libraries, regional business centres, community centres
High-rise and super high-rise residential towers, student accommodation, community housing, mixed-use and multi-tower projects

Large multi-level shopping malls, regional and suburban shopping centres, large format bulky goods, retail warehouses

Entertainment venues and precincts, sports stadiums, indoor sports centres, sports training facilities
Independent living and retirement villages, residential aged care facilities, vertical aged care buildings, high care facilities.